24/7 Tutoring

"Online tutoring and writing services that help students succeed."

24/7 Tutoring is a service that McLennan Community College uses to provide online support to its students through Upswing.


To use 24/7 Tutoring:

  1. Click on the following link or use the Upswing button in Brightspace: mclennan.upswing.io
  2. Enter your student username and password
    Your username is first name initial, last name initial and full 7 digit MCC ID.
    Example: Jane Doe - MCC ID# 1234567
    Username: jd1234567
    Your password is the same as it is for your student email account and MyMCC.
  3. Click on the “Meet with a Tutor” button.
  4. Search by Subject or Tutor.
  5. Use the “Schedule” Button under a tutor’s name to schedule for later or the “Get Tutored Now” button if a tutor is currently available.

For problems logging into Upswing, please contact the McLennan Technology Help Desk at 299-8077.

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